What is product design? Summary of the product design process in 5 steps.

What is product design? Summary of the product design process in 5 steps.

Currently, product design is increasingly focused on meeting the needs and experiences of users. So what is product design or product design? The implementation process consists of how many stages and is it complicated or not? What should be kept in mind during the implementation? All will be me, shared with you through the content of the article below. Follow us now!

1. What is product design?

Product design is the process of combining an enterprise’s business goals and user needs to create beautiful, consistent designs that effectively identify each product. The success or failure of the design depends a lot on the understanding of the user needs. Be it needs, habits, frustrations, behaviors, etc. Product design can be applied in a variety of fields such as entertainment, sports, healthcare, food, furniture, jewelry, etc…

2. What does a product design process include?

  • Orientation of vision and product strategy

The vision and strategy orientation for the product plays a very important role before proceeding with the design. Because if the goal, vision is not clear, it is impossible to create a perfect design.

Visibility for product development plays an important part. Because vision helps:

+ Orientation and guidance for the product development team
+ Come up with new product design ideas that are suitable for users who need to clearly define the value they bring
+ Users understand the message your brand conveys and the things you don’t build
+ Clear in terms of user-oriented solutions
Product design là gì

  • Product value research  

To get a great product, the next thing you need to do is research its core value. So what should be studied? Research the benefits the product can bring to the user. Not only that, you also need to analyze in terms of cost and feasibility of the product you are trying to deploy compared to competitors.
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  • Sketching product design ideas

Product ideation will take up most of your time. Because your idea is not only suitable for the purpose set out but also must meet the needs of consumers. Besides, the idea is also the soul for a unique design publication. To get the best idea, you should sketch out as much as possible. Then, you should consult with experts to choose the best idea.
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  • Deploy product design

After choosing the idea, the next step is to design the product. Based on your prototype goal as well as the design phase you will choose the most suitable prototyping technique. Prototyping will help you maximize your time and increase work efficiency.
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  • Test and evaluate effectiveness

Test and evaluate effectiveness
After testing your design, it’s a good idea to test and evaluate its performance to refine accordingly. What you should keep in mind in this testing and evaluation stage is to care about how users use the product. Not only that, you need to collect qualitative data about the satisfaction level of users when using your product.
These data will be a valuable source of information to help you improve your product design if there is any negative feedback. And if your product delivers amazing results, you can ramp up production and change your product strategy.

I just finished sharing with you information about product design. Hopefully, these knowledge will effectively support you in the process of creating product design and partly assist in product positioning for your business.
See you in the next posts.

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